Marriage - The Lessons We Can Apply to Marriage Through Climate Change Are Life Changing

Whether you believe in climate change or not, here are some good ideas -

We should use solar energy.

We should use wind energy.

We should use use hydro energy.

Whether climate change is a factor or not, these types of energy are logical.

- Sun, wind and water are available in abundance.

- Sun, wind and water are harnessed without creating excessive filth.

- Sun, wind and water have the ability to power this planet in a far more efficient way than oil, coal or nuclear.

Just as the above are logical and applicable facts designed for the modern age, so are the following -

- Marriage is not an essential ingredient of a successful relationship.

- Being married does not make you a good parent.

- Being married does not make you a good partner.

So why are we, in the modern day, so hell bent on marriage?

Why don't we concentrate on the task at hand - relationships.

The climate change fiasco should at least stir some positive innovation.

The divorce rate fiasco should at least stir some logical inspiration.

Yet -

- Every time someone suggests we could do without oil, they are ridiculed...

Every time I suggest that we could do without marriage, I am a pariah.

- Every time someone mentions solar, wind or hydro power they are met with obstacles...

Every time I suggest we should tell our children the truth I am met with gasps of horror.

- Every time someone points out the truth about oil, coal or nuclear power, they are told to deal with it...

Every time I point out the divorce rate, the miserable children, the angry parents and wasted money (on marriages, divorces and lawyers), I am told that matrimony is essential for raising balanced kids.

- The lies told by the oil industry in favor of oil are similar to the lies told by religions in favor of marriage.

- The lies told by the coal industry in favor of coal are similar to the lies told by lawyers in favor of divorce.

- The lies told by the nuclear industry in favor of nuclear are similar to the lies told by divorcees in favor of marriage.

Oil leads to ruined oceans, assassinated wildlife, unbreathable air.

Coal leads to mining disasters, filthy environments, smog.

Nuclear leads to Chernobyl, mutilation, radiation.

When was the last time a solar plant had a disastrous spill?

When was the last time a wind farm collapsed?

When was the last time a hydro-electric machine exploded and radiated waste all over a Continent?

As with power, so with marriage -

When was the last time an unmarried couple got divorced?

When was the last time a single person was screwed over by their partner's lawyer?

When was the last time an unwed couple wasted their parents money on a wedding?

I know that solar, wind and water power are not perfect, but they are better than what we have right now.

I know most unwed parents are not perfect, but with a little education, a lot less desperation, and the eradication of the validation that marriage offers, then we might manage to raise balanced children without an agenda who went into relationships accepting the reality of change, added to which, these children would be shielded from the fallacy of the happily ever after that we all know is a lie fed to us by divorcees, governments and religious leaders trying to make up for their own mistakes.

The truth is that we need to do something about the way we create and use our power.

The truth is that we need to do something about the way we create and raise our children.

All I'm saying is this -

There is an alternative...

And that alternative is far better than the current state of failure we are in...

Whether that be our use of fossil fuels that do the planet and ourselves no good...

Or the desperation of marriage that ends in divorce doing ourselves and our children no good either.

Think. Agree. Do.

Don't just copy. And then fail.

Guy Blews

Guy Blews is a Relationship Expert and Certified Life Coach who offers One-On-One Coaching. He is the author of 'Marriage & How To Avoid It', 'Realistic Relationships' and 'Less Thing$ More Love' which are all available at his website. Guy has appeared on numerous television and radio shows in the USA and the UK as either a visionary or a pariah - now it's your turn to make an opinion at

Source: Ezine


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