Love - Get Your Ex Back After A Break Up

Don't let anyone tell you that true love can't survive a break up. After some couples split, they come back stronger than ever. Is it down to luck? I don't think so.

Supposing you have been with your boyfriend for some time and you really think that you've found "the one". One minute everything is great and the next, your whole world comes crashing down and he dumps you. What do you do?

You have three options:

Option one is to admit defeat, forget about him and move on to pastures new.

Option two would be to decide that you want to get back together and go in there like a bull in a china shop. Contact him every day, tell him how sorry you are for the split, how much you love him, how you can't live without him etc. This would probably result in him classing you as a needy desperado who has taken to harassing him and he would possibly take out a restraining order.

Option three. Play the waiting game. I don't mean take the "woe is me" stance. I mean really PLAY the game and come out fighting.

So, first things first. Analyze your feelings. Do you still care deeply about your ex boyfriend or do you miss him like you would an old pair of slippers, comfortable and familiar? If it's the latter, let him go. There has to be an overwhelming love between the two of you. If you still have strong feelings for your boyfriend, you can move onto the next step of how to win him back.

This involves examining how he feels about you. You need to be brutally honest here and not just pretend that he feels the same way that you do, when deep down you know that he doesn't. If the problems in the relationship were things you can work on together, you can win your ex back. But, if the problems were deeper rooted and he no longer loves you - move on for both your sakes.

If you decide that this really is love, you need to work on what it was that brought you together and what kept you together. Have you changed in any way? Physically, mentally or emotionally? What did you give him back then that was lacking in the later stages of your relationship? If you were with him for some time, you may have changed in some way. You probably spent less time with girlfriends or on your own hobbies and spent more time together as a couple. You may have lost some of who you were because you felt secure in his affection

Once you have all your answers it's time to get him back.

He will be expecting you to be slouching around wearing one of his old sweaters with yesterdays make up streaking down your face. Men often have an inflated idea of their place in a woman's life, so even if you feel distraught - don't show it. You need to prove that you're an independent woman who is perfectly able to get on with her life even if he has chosen not to be a part of it.

Make sure that you look fabulous at all times. Persuade some of your male friends to escort you out to places that HE just might be. Let him know that you're in demand and if he doesn't see sense soon, somebody else will. Yes, it's a game- but he doesn't know that. The ultimate aim is to let him see the woman that he originally fell in love with. And when he does - if he still has feelings for you - he will want to try and work things through.

Once that is accomplished, you can work on your problems together so that the relationship can go on and hopefully be even stronger than it was before.

There are so many steps to winning your ex back and these are just the beginning. when my partner left me, I was in despair and didn't know what to do. I heard about an amazing site and through the author‘s advice I persuaded my wonderful man to give us another chance. And now we're happier than ever.

If you think you may need a little help getting your man back, visit the site and judge for yourself getting your ex back

Source: Ezine


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