Love - Improving the Quality of Your Love Life in Five Easy Steps

Do you love nature? I mean getting out, taking photos, traveling, walking the dog, hiking, canoeing or jogging the parks of life?

Every moment you separate from that can be torture. I mean, most of the happiest people you meet live or work in nature, so why not you?

Over 3.5 billion people live in cities on this planet. Most crave nature. Some escape into their sport or garden to experience it for a few moments a day, but is that enough?

Statistics show, we're becoming less and less happy and doing more and more crazy stuff to deal with it. I mean, do you really think sitting behind a computer screen or mobile phone is going to nourish your soul like a walk or a swim in nature? I don't think so.

So what do to?

Sea change... Hill change... Retirement to a life sitting around worrying about nothing is not an option. It drives most people nuts, or at the least, to trivia.

Becoming a drop out hippie doesn't work. There's more fights, drugs, complications and misery in that universe than in a banker's life.

So, where do we go? We classically go to TV.

We're escaping more and more into virtual reality, and this is great, an alternative reality to one devoid of nature is better than a reality constantly stressed... But it's still not nature, and it's still not ideal.


Take a sad person to nature and they're still sad. Take an in the head corporate person to nature and they're still talking about yesterday or tomorrow. Just because we go on holiday or go out into nature it doesn't mean we're going to relax and absorb it. No, nature doesn't bend our arm and say, "TURN UP."...

So, it's not so much the being in nature that makes the difference, actually, it doesn't make a huge difference. What makes a difference is how we think in nature.

The wonderful thing about this discovery is that we can bring nature with us. If it's a way of thinking that nature causes and creates happiness, why not package it.

Here are a few suggestions so you can import nature into your heart and mind and therefore take it anywhere.

Don't be righteous.
The right person is absolutely disconnected to nature. There are two sides, balance, in nature, righteousness is a half truth, imbalanced personality. Don't be right, have an opinion but seek the alternative opposite of it before you speak.

Be grateful.
The thankful person is not selective about what they thank. Selective thankfulness is poison because it's covering unthankfulness about other stuff. Instead, find the blessings in everything that happens and try to be thankful even when it's not what you wanted.

Generosity is karmic. One can't give enough but all giving done with a return in mind is discounted giving. Generosity means to give more than you get. If someone pays you for one hour, give them two. If someone gives you kindness give them three in return. Give more than you get, without hope of repayment, simply earn the reward of generosity and you'll be in nature.

To be yourself, think for yourself. One can easily become a robot in a world designed to make everyone the same as everyone. To be creative, think for yourself. All organized religions, mass consciousness, consumer ideas and brands are designed to kill creativity and birth conformity. To be creative one doesn't have to reject mass consciousness one can simply be thankful for it, and, at the same time, question it.

Start with small inanimate objects. Leaves, grass, worms, trees, rocks, extend yourself to pets, animals, creatures, insects, and then further extend yourself to people, family, friends and colleagues. Don't be afraid to love, it's like generosity, the more you do, the better you'll be connected to nature. Love is not a word or an action. Some people think that we treat those we love differently to those we don't but this is exclusive and juvenile love. Love in nature's way is not exclusive. It can't be. You can't love one thing and hate another, everything is connected, think about it.


Chris Walker is a visionary business consultant and of the world's leading facilitators of Personal/Professional Development. Author, consultant and professional speaker, his considered a leader in the field of human potential and lifestyles for success. His VIP and Mastery Programs have been attended by thousands of individuals around the world seeking tools to live life and manage their careers to their fullest potential.

Source: Ezine


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