Love - Love Tips For Men - You Know You Love Her, How Do You Convince Her to Feel The Same

Love can be a funny thing, right? Sometimes it feels like the best thing in the world, other times it just tears you up inside. What happens when you know that you are in love with a woman, but you want to be able to convince her to feel the same way? If you have are in this situation or have EVER been in this situation, then you know how it feels. It's like being on a constant roller coaster, never knowing which way is up and which way is down.

If your goal is to try and convince a woman that she should fall in love with you, then you are doomed from the beginning. Seriously. Trying to convince a person to feel a certain way, especially with an emotion like that is a futile process. You need to understand that while you cannot convince a woman to fall for you, there are certain things that you can do that will make the conditions right for it to happen.

Is it a Fairy Tale or Reality?

Whether we like to admit it or not, the things that we get taught when we are really young tend to stick with us. Sometimes that can be good, and sometimes it can be BAD. We all see the movies when we are young where the woman (usually a princess) falls head over heels in love with a guy who is chivalrous, tends to her every whim and need, and does everything that he can to prove to her that he is the one she should fall for.

And as kids, we believe it.

It follows us into adulthood and that is when it can be a problem. See, all of that fairy tale stuff is just completely unrealistic and that can be a beautiful thing. Problem is, when it is instilled in you at a young age and you carry that idea or perception with you into adulthood, now you have a problem. Because the nice guy that tends to a woman's every need either gets put into the friends category or he ends up getting played for a fool.

Love in the Modern Age...

In the real world, if you are going to make a woman fall for you, then you need to put that fairy tale idea in the background and focus your attention more on making her feel the kind of emotions that make a woman fall in love. Things like being unpredictable, always being someone she can have fun with, being REAL and not putting on an act... those are the things that are going to make her fall for you.

Try to convince a woman to fall in love and it probably won't happen. Trigger all of the right emotions in her... and it probably WILL.

Discover how to trigger the RIGHT emotions in a woman and you CAN make her fall in love without trying to convince her...

Go to: How to Seduce Women to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Attract, and Seduce ANY Woman You DESIRE...

Copyright © 2011 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

Source: Ezine


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