Love - True Love?

Do you constantly wonder if true love really exists? Are you tired of prominent disappointments and heartbreaks? Yes? Good! Because we are too!

What is true love?

Love is patient, Love is kind. Love does not envy, Love does not boast.

Love is not proud. Love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Amazing love

Did you know that somebody loves you so much? He loves you more than you mother or father loves you. He loves you more than your brother or sister loves you. He loves you more than your husband or wife loves you. He loved you enough to kill for you.

It is so hard to believe that someone could love you so much that he goes ahead and kills for you. He didn't just kill an animal or a nobody. He killed his only son!

In the beginning...

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness Genesis 1:26a (KJV)"

He created you so that he could have a relationship with you. He wanted to be your friend and companion. However, as you may know, the devil wasn't too happy about this so he did all he could to sabotage such wonderful relationship.

This sabotage resulted in the devil trying to control us. He tries to control our thoughts and actions so that we can do things which God hates and doesn't please him. But God didn't just stand there and watch satan destroy his good work (you!).

The action plan

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13 (NIV)"

Then he went upon the cross to die in the most painful and disgraceful way possible at that time. He was mocked by the people he came to save, accused of crimes he never committed and separated from the father. Just so that he could save YOU from God's wrath and so that you could become a part of his family

It didn't just end there

"For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. Romans 14:9 (KJV)"

However, death couldn't hold him in the grave. Jesus rose again from the dead on the third day. Hallelujah! Now we can live a life that pleases God. Now we can return to God no matter what evil we have done and he is willing to take us back. Hallelujah!

Return to him

To return to your original position as God's friend, son and companion, there are a few steps which you must follow.

He loves you. First, you must recognise that God Loves you so much that He gave His Son, Jesus to die on the cross for you. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3: 16

Repent! Secondly, you must repent of your sins. Jesus said: "Except you repent, you shall...perish" (Luke 13: 3). He also said "Repent and Believe" (Mark 1: 15). You may have done a lot of "unforgivable" things in your life, even things that only you know about. You may have killed, gotten other people in terrible trouble or even worse things. All those things cease to matter the minute you allow God to take over your life. Now, repentance does not just mean being sorry for the past. To be sorry is not enough. You must turn your back from your past behaviour, thoughts and actions, and try with His help not to repeat them.

Receive him. Thirdly, you must receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. John 1:12 says -
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." This means that you accept God's offer of Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness. You must stop trying to save yourself. You must trust, believe and rely on Him completely, without reservation.

Confess him. Fourthly, anyone can make a promise without really meaning it. It is important that your heart is opened to receive Jesus. Before you proceed, ask yourself "am I serious about this?" It is important to emphasis that merely chanting the prayer below will not acknowledge you before God. Please take the prayer serious and open your heart to God. God sees your heart. If your heart truly yearns for him, then he will welcome you with open arms.

"Dear God, I thank you for keeping till this day. I acknowledge that I have sinned against You. I am willing to turn away from my sins. However I know that I cannot do it on my own and I need your help. Thank you for sending Jesus to die for someone like me, I receive and acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I confess Him as Lord over my life. I invite Jesus into every area of my life. From this moment on I want to live for you Lord. Grant me the grace Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen".

Live for him. Now that you have prayed to God, you need to start living for him. Do everything with God in mind. He is your father. Ask him to help you to do his will always. Remember to share the good news of Jesus with your friends and family.

Visit our website for more information.

Deborah Afolabi

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Source: Ezine


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