Love - In Love - Change Your Luck

1. Because I want to stay young

Ask a child of they believe in magic and there's a buoyant yes, ask a youthful older person if they believe in a the powers greater than themselves and they're 100% convinced that "blessings" can come and go. The younger a person looks as they age, the more you can tell that they believe in "luck."

For many, luck is earned. It comes from acting according to a "holy" law, or doing the "right" thing such as karma, and then there are others who believe they have the power of lucking out built into them, like in finding a car park in a busy parking station.

This belief in the mystical higher realms of luck even relabeled into beliefs about the after life really does separate human beings from animals, and it certainly has a profound affect on what holds us together when our energy is not all that strong (illness, emotional downers, stress and rejection).

In contrast, when a person gives up on "luck, karma, faith, blessings or good fortune" they're left with a machinery like life called mechanics. In this lifestyle people grope, clamber, grip, fear and struggle for a sense of trust in the universe. It makes things all so vague, and as a result, they age rapidly.

2. Because it turns things around, get's away from self obsession

In all the great codes of "creating luck" there's a math that crosses most of the cultural and religious boundaries of the world, and that's the code of giving. It seems that, in creating our own luck, how we treat others is a great contributor. In fact, in most Eastern teachings, such as Hindu or Buddhist or Taoist, it's the primary contributor. So, in this belief about luck comes a shift a radical departure from self obsessive me, me and my language to a more balanced set of give to get, equality.

Of course, due caution needs to be exercised. There are institutions mainly amongst Christian Church, Jewish and some spooky Guru's who'd advocate some sort of pay for your penance, give us the money and you'll get lucky ideas. So, that sort of madness aside, the ideal of do right by others in order to get good luck is a nice way to practice real compassion. And it feels right too.

3. Hope, Spirit, Happiness and Destiny

Although sugar and sex make us happy on the outside, and money makes us comfortable even if we're miserable, the belief in our ability to change our luck, is a belief in a better day tomorrow. And that's the art of the human Spirit.

I don't want to think tomorrow will be the same or worse than today. I want to think, feel, believe, hope and trust that if I follow some pre-prescribed pathway, I can change and improve for the better, my luck, happiness and therefore my destiny.

If you ask a depressed person "how will your luck be tomorrow they'll give you one of two answers, the first could be "I know I am going to do brilliant tomorrow compared to today" thus reflecting the "Escape" mindset that sets up depression in the first place... No contentment or gratitude for what they already have. The second response could be in the midst of a depressive phase, where they'll say, "No hope of a better day, I've given up" and this is the path to hopelessness and suicidal thinking.

Half way between the Human Spirit is alive. It relies on you being thankful for what you've got, so you don't get into the ESCAPIST headspace, and on that platform, relies on our having some trust that our luck can change if we follow a "way."

Now, I've been depressed. I've contemplated suicide, I've been down and hopeless. It's a crappy, ungrateful, hopeless place to be. And I've been infatuated with RESCUE hoping some lady, job, race, hair cut, trip or new suit is going to change my world. I don't like the consequences. It hurts.

I've also been around hundreds if not thousands of so called "Hope Selling" guru's and speakers whose primary aim is to build us up "tap the spirit" and create a dependency. I watched thousands of people place their hopes for better luck in life in the hands of "charismatic" teachers, and suspicious fanatical religious leaders. I'm far too self reliant to be hoodwinked in that way.

So, I trust Nature. I recon, and have proven that if we do as nature intended, we get what nature intended, better luck, happy lives.

4. Because it keeps me out of my head....

A person who loses trust in luck, loses faith in love.

That's so true. The more intellectual and rational a person becomes, the less trust they have in love.

In love, there is no why. But for people who can't love, WHY is the only love they can have. It is a logical, intellectual love, a conditional arrangement, a safe, secure, love that depends on unwieldy trust, or, is so self protective, it keeps its options open in case their fears are realized. This is no love, but it is the love a great many people who lost faith in luck, survive on.

When you jump from an airplane with a parachute, you trust that piece of cloth to open and stay open till you hit the ground. That's trusting luck, because some don't open. Even if you fold that chute fifty times it doesn't reduce the odds of not opening. So, love is like a parachute, you go into it and jump, 100% if you trust your luck. If not, you stay on the plane and automatically, eventually, sabotage love.

5. I Might Win Something

The guy asked, "Why don't I ever win the lotto?" and when asked if he bought tickets he replied, "well, I used to and I didn't win, so I stopped buying tickets"

If I buy a lotto ticket hoping that I'll escape my current reality with that lucky outcome, then I'm in a really unhealthy place, a place that actually sabotages luck. But if I buy a ticket thinking with that money I'd do some great things for many people I love and care for and some people who are in need, then the act of buying the ticket is in itself, luck generating. Nature supports those people who are on purpose in life.

The key here is to let go the reward. I visit many sacred cities in my world travel and there are many people at these places giving prayers, doing chants, prostrating themselves or throwing money around, hoping for good fortune to be bestowed on them and this is self defeating. To win good luck from giving one must sincerely not want reward for doing it.

There was a great example I used to run in my Global Workshop, Real Spirit Program. I'd get everyone to donate money to a hat on the basis of supporting charity, then I'd take the hat outside the hotel into the street and throw it, and the contents in the air. All the donators were really angry, because they wanted their donation to go to a "needy, pre-prescribed charity" but I would suggest, "if a person, no matter what their station in life, picked up that money and they were pleasantly surprised and thankful, you have just made a big contribution because that person carries their luck and happiness along with them." This is a simple exercise in creating good luck. Drop $5.00 and let it be found and ask for no recognition. (or tax deduction or receipt or even wait to see who gets it).

I met a guy recently who had won $100,000 worth of prizes in 12 months. All the people in our workshop called him lucky, but he straightened them out, "I entered 20 competitions a day, with the help of my mum, we cut out coupons, went for interviews and turned up at supermarkets and openings of events where they call your name. It was luck, but it was work too."

6. Some Control

The idea that me, God, Nature and life have an intersection in which we all want the same thing is a spectacular joy for me. I do see nature's laws, I know that something, someone created nature so I call that God and I know that the same thing that created me, created nature and God, so, I observe the Laws of Nature and hopefully tune into the mind of the creator of all. That's why I'm not so attached to mass religion or group consciousness, because for me, they're all, in some way separated from the roots of life.

My luck does vary with my obedience to nature's law. Simply put, even the first law, the law of balance puts me into a great space with celebrating the present, because there's two sides to everything. And the second law of growth means if I go to excess, I'll have to spend some time in deficiency. It's all too simple.

It has been written that all is mind. That is truth nothing exists until the mind perceives it. All of mankind's problems, worries, confusions wars and arguments have emanated from the mind. But is mind free?

There are those who argue that Divine Will defines out life. There are others who take the opposite position, that Human Will defines our life. I prefer to think, believe and observe that when we're on track in life, Human Will and DIvine Will, are one in the same topic.

7. I have a heart and want to use it as intended

Luck, karma, divine will, human will come from the human heart, or at least, can be felt there. I wish not to have to "logic" all things, like some of my detractors who tell me that "killing Whales" is against nature, or that conserving fish is for nature. Such is the fickle realm of the human mind that it can, with relative ease make its thoughts, universal truth. A convenient arrangement.

Terrorists, child slave criminals, abusers, do the same thing, justify their behavior with some invention of righteousness, it's pure fantasy.

Instead of being right I'd rather say, "I don't know, there's two sides" and instead of claiming sovereignty over nature's right and wrong with protection and conservation, I prefer to see the two sides of creation and destruction, as essential bookends in the evolution of this universe. I trust that, and therefore, trust, what most people call luck, as simply the middle path of inspiration.

Chris Walker ( ) is a visionary business consultant and of the world's leading facilitators of Personal/Professional Development. Author, consultant and professional speaker, his considered a leader in the field of human potential and lifestyles for success. His VIP and Mastery Programs have been attended by thousands of individuals around the world seeking tools to live life and manage their careers to their fullest potential.

Source: Ezine


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