Marriage - Coming Up With the Perfect Marriage Proposal Will Be A Breeze If You Know These 8 Inspiration Tips!

You have taken a good look around and you have discovered that the "romance" world is rife with fairytale examples of unique ways to propose to the woman of your dreams right. And maybe, you have researched and arrived at the conclusion that you would love to propose to your sweetheart in a way that is unique to only you!

Now the problem you face is how to come up with that unique slant, that customized format that will suit your darling; you wonder if you should go for the romantic, adventurous, sentimental or stupid! You also wonder if something like proposing with a banner attached to a jet and flown across the sky or a ring hidden inside of a strawberry cake is sort of overkill!

Well, you need not worry any longer because the Calvary is here - all you require to achieve the wedding proposal of your dream is contained in this article. In fact, by reading the whole of this article you will discover 8 tips which you can apply to get inspired to come up with the perfect proposal for your sweetheart.

The best part is that you do not need to spend any money achieving this; all you will be requiring is a note pad, a pen or pencil, a quiet spot, and of course an engagement ring! Read on...

1. Now that you are ready, you need to get yourself a place that is serene and quite; a place where you can think without disturbance. Remember to carry your note pad and pencil or pen with you - you will be needing it.

2. Next, you need to go down memory lane (in your mind of course). What made you fall in love in the first place? What events pulled you to your partner? Was it a concert? Was it a peaceful protest for a cause which both of you supported? Whatever the case may have been or the event was, write this down in your note pad.

3. Okay, now you need to move on to the interests which both of you share - those things you have in common. Examples of these may be; film noir, badminton, Mediterranean food, playing poker, mountain biking or climbing, or whatever (you know best). Once again you need to add these to the list in your note pad.

4. Next, add to your list, the places which are important to you - for example; where did you guys go to on your first date? What country is your dream vacation located? Where do you guys go to take long walks or the like?

5. You should also add to your list the names of those people who you know or feel will be important to both of you in your married life. These include, but are not limited to, the following, grandparents, parents, siblings, friends, and so on. Yes, you may also list your pets too!

6. Okay - now you need to consider the list you have made and realize that your unique proposal formula is in there somewhere.

The idea here is to find a way to represent each aspect of your lives in the location where you plan on proposing - you may actually choose to propose in that location where possible. If this is not possible, you can take care of that by wearing something which depicts the place or using a décor which includes that location.

Try and creatively think up a way to represent your interests in your proposal also. You must realize that having a small group of people you love present during the proposal can be very romantic too.

7. It is now time to think of the kind of words you might like to use for the proper proposal. What do you want to say to your sweetheart? How would you like to say it? Do not plan to say something that is not "you", neither something complex. All that you require is to speak from your heart - tell your partner exactly how you feel inside.

8. Finally, you need to have it at the forefront of your heart at all times that all of this is simply a means, not an end in itself - you need to constantly focus on your darling whether or not the details you have planned go in the exact way you plan it - because he or she is the one you will be spending the rest of your life with.

Fixing A Marriage. Discover how you too can REALLY mend your marriage, no matter what you're struggling with and make it better than it's ever been!

Tiffany East is an accomplished writer. She has written on many topics including; repair a marriage, fixing marriage, how to love again, etcetera. You can read more of her writing by visiting:

Source: Ezine


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