Online dating is supposed to be easy, but some dating websites are making it more complex that it needs to be. Instead of helping you find your perfect match, they make you sift through thousands upon thousands of profiles of people you'd never want to meet.
Fortunately, the relationship experts at eHarmony are here to help. They've developed a sophisticated Compatibility Matching System that allows people to easily connect with their most compatible partners.
How does it work? Believe it or not, the answer is science. Researchers at eHarmony studied successful married couples and discovered the characteristics that led to the couples' overall happiness. Using this data, they created their relationship questionnaire, an in-depth survey that analyzes a person's most important characteristics based on 29 dimensions of compatibility like: beliefs, values, temperament, curiosity and intellect.
The questionnaire is straightforward. There are no right or wrong answers. It's simply a fun way to let eHarmony know who you are and what you're looking for in an ideal mate. The information is kept completely confidential.
What happens next?
After you've completed the questionnaire, eHarmony's Compatibility Matching System performs a comprehensive search and matches you with like-minded people who share your most important qualities and characteristics.
"We're not looking for clones," one of eHarmony's founders says. "Our models emphasize similarities in personality and in values. If you have someone who's Type A and real hard charging, (we) put them with someone else like that."
Most dating websites only care about your first date, but eHarmony wants to ensure that you and your partner are able to build a happy, healthy long-term relationship based on compatibility.
"It's much easier for people to relate if they don't have to negotiate all these differences," the founder says. "It's fairly common that differences can initially be appealing, but they're not so cute after two years."
Everyone dreams of finding their perfect match. Luckily, eHarmony is making it a reality. According to Harris Interactive Research, on average, 236 eHarmony members marry every day. If you feel like you're missing out, don't worry-now is a great time to get started.
will take you step-by-step through the entire process. They want to help you find that perfect match and create the happy long-term relationship you've always wanted.
Take the relationship questionnaire for yourself. to start now
Source: Howlifeworks