One of the joys in life is meeting and getting to know new people. Unfortunately, in modern society that joy can be tempered with some risk. Unlike in old-time, small-town America, where everyone knew each other and looked out for each other, today we move far more frequently, and have to interact with more strangers than ever before.
And that’s not necessarily a bad thing – as long we’re careful how much and how soon we trust new acquaintances.
Unfortunately, today it’s relatively easy for a person to create an artificial edifice and present themselves as somebody they are not. As we interact with new people--be they potential dates, business associates or neighbors--the risks posed by some people can be serious.
Do they have a criminal record? Have they been involved in multiple lawsuits? Do they really own their house as they claim? These are all legitimate questions that you may want answered about associates before you or your family get close to them.
The good news is the emergence of new companies that help you quickly and accurately find out key information about people you are dealing with. These companies are growing rapidly because they give peace of mind. One of the most successful is a company called .
How Do They Work?
You may not realize it but a vast amount of information is legally collected on almost every individual living in America. This data is usually collected and stored by local, state and Federal government agencies as well as other public, private or commercial entities. Much of this information is a matter of public record or otherwise publicly available. Unfortunately, until recently it was next to impossible to put together information on an individual without countless hours of legwork visiting numerous entities separately.
Fortunately, the development of the internet and specifically companies such as Intelius means all of this information can be at your fingertips instantly. That’s because Intelius taps into these databases to aggregate the information on a particular individual and instantly build a background report that’s clear and accurate.
Background reports include, when available, a criminal and sex offender check, lawsuits, judgments, liens, bankruptcies, home value & property ownership, address history, phone numbers, relatives & associates, neighbors, marriage/divorce records, driving records and more. Everything you need to know before you decide to trust an individual with your home, heart or your family.
In addition to the standard background check, Intelius has developed some great individual reports, including one that helps you know a lot more about someone you meet through an online dating service or social network. They also have one that that helps you find out property values in your neighborhood and one that lets you track sex offenders that may have moved into your neighborhood or are living near your child’s school.
Simply put, gives you peace of mind in our frequently perilous culture.
To learn more about Intelius’ services or to get started with a background check on an individual right now, simply .
Source: Howlifeworks