AVS - Why Nice Guys Fail With Women

Why Nice Guys Fail With Women

Why is it that women always like the bad boys?

Why are the nice guys - the men who compliment women, take them on expensive dates, buy them tons of gifts, constantly tell women how much they like them - always stuck in the "friend zone" with little options and little success with women?

According to David DeAngelo, author of the best selling ebook "Double Your Dating", it's because most men don't understand how attraction works, and therefore they go about creating it in all the wrong ways.

DeAngelo knows this from experience. Several years ago he got fed up with settling for only a few dates a year with women he wasn't really interested in. He wanted to be the kind of guy who could meet, date and attract any woman that he wanted. So he spent years reading every book, attending every seminar, meeting every expert and, most importantly, field testing every technique out there to find out how to be successful with women and dating.

What he learned was counter-intutitive to what he had always thought and brought him more success with women than he could have ever imagined.

"Nice guys end up giving away all of their power to women, invariably leading them directly to that dreaded 'friend zone', but ATTRACTION is not a choice," states DeAngelo. "It is an emotional and physical response. You can't 'convince' a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and niceness.  Attraction is the result of a woman meeting a man who understands how attraction works...and who knows what to do in each specific situation to progress to the next level.

The problem with attraction, and with success with women in general, is that the things you need to do to be successful are NOT OBVIOUS.  Instead, they're the OPPOSITE of what you'd think would make sense.

If you want to get away from this, you have to create tension, stop doing everything you think she likes, give her time to miss you, etc.  Women are into guys who are interesting, mysterious, challenging...guys who trigger attraction in them, not AFFECTION."

But how do you actually go about creating this tension and triggering attraction in any woman you want?

DeAngelo’s book, “Double Your Dating" explains the secret in detail, providing step-by-step instructions on exactly what to do from the first meeting to trying to "get physical" and more.  He takes you deep into the female mind, so you can make a woman feel like she has to impress YOU instead of the other way around.  It includes countless hints, tips, jokes and lines that a guy can use in most any situation.

DeAngelo is so sure that the techniques he describes in his book will work that he actually lets guys download and read it with no obligation.  Read the materials, start using the strategies and see success for yourself before you have to decide if you want to pay anything at all.

It's a pretty sweet deal for information that could lead to one of the biggest challenges of your life.

To sign up for DeAngelo's completely free newsletter or learn more about the FREE one week trial,

Source: Howlifeworks


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