Love - He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not - Are You Just Wasting Your Time Or Is It For Real?

Feeling like you are in love with a man can make you feel a wide variety of emotions. You can go from being totally happy and content, to completely insecure and hesitant in the blink of an eye. You think about him and you wonder if he is feeling the same way about you. You cuddle up next to him on the couch while he is watching the basketball game and you wonder if a part of him is thinking about you. Is there any way of being able to tell for sure if the guy you love is worth the time and effort?

Of course, you probably know all too well by now that there are no guarantees when it comes to love. One couple can have a seemingly flawless relationship one year, and the next, they are at bitter odds. You don't want to ever have to deal with anything like that. You want to know for sure if he feels the same way about you, and you want to find a way to see something that can give you a reason to have faith in him.

Here are some things to think about if you are wondering about the guy you love:

A man who is in love with a woman isn't always going to just come out and say it. And just because a man says that he loves you, it does not mean that is how he truly feels. There are countless real world examples of men being able to say very easily that they love a woman, when all the while that is not at all the way that they feel. And there are just as many countless examples of men who barely say those words, but prove time and time again that this is how they really feel. So, your best judgement of whether or not a man really loves you is through his actions more than anything else.

What are some actions that will reveal how he truly feels about you?

Does he make sure that there is always some time set aside for the two of you to just spend time together without it always coming down to being physically intimate with each other? If so, then there is a good chance that he really does love you. Any man can set aside some spare time for a woman when he thinks that it will lead to a romp in the bedroom. Not every man will take time out of his day to dedicate to you just to be around you. Him doing this is usually a sure sign that he really does love you.

Another good way to determine if he really loves you is if he will put off doing things that he loves to do, if they conflict with that time that he spends with you. For example, if fly fishing is his thing, and he is willing to put off a weekend trip with some of his buddies to spend it with you instead, that can be a good indicator that he really does love you.

There are many, many more signs that can shed a little light on whether or not he loves you or loves you not. Too many to list all in one article. Just be sure not to confuse physical things to be sure indicators of his true feelings, because those can easily end up being false.

Do you want to get more tips and advice on how to make him love you?

If so, then you want to go here: Click Me

Copyright (c) 2011 Alexandra Scott. All Rights Reserved.

Source: Ezine


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