Feeling a lack of heat lately…in your love life? With a little creativity, you can fire things up again without going broke. Get inspired:
Get Wild Answerology member shelly1130 suggests tapping into your animal instincts and making a date to “feed the ducks at a pond, or visit a zoo while it is not too hot and not too cold.” You can also make it a double-date with some pet-friendly couples and bring your pooches along for a day at the park.
Go Local Take advantage of your surroundings, says Answerology member utahmom. “A common one here is a drive or hike through the alpine forests and meadows with the brilliant fall colors. Include a blanket, picnic basket, and wine for extra fun.” If you live in a city, make like tourists and sight-see. Take in your city’s biggest attractions like a honeymooning couple, with enthusiasm and a fully-charged camera.
Get Corny Answerology member 3wiltedroses has a date idea that’s unique and perfect for cool fall weather: “Taking a trip through a corn field maze is fun. Google it and find a corn field maze near you…you will want to go back every year.”
Take It Easy Go fly a kite, suggests Answerology member solstess. Ease into the fall with a relaxing day outside. Answerology member englishrose4945 fondly remembers one of her favorite fall dates: “When I lived up in Massachusetts, I had a boyfriend who had a young son and I had my daughter. I packed a lunch for all of us one Sunday and we all went to an apple orchard to do some picking. It was a beautiful September day. After we picked our apples, I spread out a blanket for a picnic.”