Love - In a Relationship Crisis? How To Find Out If He's Your ONE True Love (WITHOUT Asking Again!)

Are you in a relationship crisis? Is the man (or woman) of your dreams slowly pulling back... withdrawing or walking away completely? Do you fear being alone, or even worse... being estranged from the one person who you truly believe knows you, understands you and LOVES you like no one else?

As an emotional empath and intuitive, one thing I've discovered, both in my OWN life and the lives of my peers and clients is this:

People are often FAR stronger, and far more resilient, when it comes to romance, and their relationships than they know.

For example, the average woman will be deeply in love an average of 4 times in a lifetime.

The average man, LESS. (between 2 and 3, depending on a few factors)

And in each case, when that particular relationship ends, especially for a woman, the pain, and trauma and fear and even obsession can become all encompassing. (and occasionally dangerous to your health)

I'm going to say something here that MANY of you will probably think is controversial. Some relationship "experts" and authors may even say is completely crazy... :-)

But in my 2 decades of readings and research and writing about people who's love lives are in danger of falling apart, and the WONDERFUL world of wisdom that those experiences have taught me, here it is anyway... :-)

1 - Each of us only has ONE real "soulmate" or spiritual other half that you are destined to be with in this lifetime. We may have lots of important relationships, and people our karma dictates we'll meet... and share time with, and learn from - but there is only ONE person that is our true spiritual partner

2 - Many of us, will unfortunately never find that one person. Why? Because we're too busy trying to hold on to the HARD relationships we're already in that aren't working 100%. True love is NOT supposed to be a fairy tale, all of the time... but it's NOT supposed to be hard work and heavy lifting everyday. Far too many people, especially WOMEN, stay in relationships with a man that they KNOW is not the "one"... simply because the alternative (being alone) feels too painful to pursue.

3 - The easiest way to tell if a man is the one is actually pretty simple, and equally as controversial. Your aura, and the energy of authentic emotion, when it is aligned properly and "right" is easy for any sensitive, or emotional empath to see.

Everything you feel is energy... and each emotion has it's own energy. When you are truly in love,a and in harmony and in alignment with another person... there is a unique energetic "fingerprint", an aura... that is visible to the naked eye. Maybe not your eye - but to those who have this special gift, it is as plain as the color of the sky... :-)

If your relationship is in crisis... it's either an OPPORTUNITY to grow together, or an opportunity to close one chapter and open another. Only you can decide what to do... and in my experience, a qualified empath, an emotional intuitive is the BEST way to turn the odds in your favor... as time (and true love) do NOT wait for anyone.

Want PROOF? Click HERE ===> to Find Your Soulmate....... Without Having to Have Your Heart Broken EVER again!

You Deserve to Find True LOVE..... Today!

Source: Ezine


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tư vấn qua điện thoại (3.000 đồng/phút): 1900 68 50 hoặc (04)1088 - 1 - 7

tư vấn trực tiếp: 2/15, phố Đào Duy Từ, phường Hàng Buồm, quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội

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- tư vấn tâm lý tình cảm, hôn nhân, gia đình

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- tư vấn sức khỏe tình dục: xuất tinh sớm, lãnh cảm, nghệ thuật phòng the, bệnh tình dục....

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- Các vấn đề tâm lý khác như ly hôn, stress

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