How to survive your man's bromance

We all remember the iconic scene from Superbad when Jonah Hill's character confesses his undying love for best friend Evan, played by Michael Cera, during an intoxicated basement sleepover. Besides being pure comedic gold, the scene offered up a tell-tale look into the latest evolution in male friendships -- total undying, platonic manly love. From back-in-the-day beer commercials to the latest in MTV reality shows, the "bromance" has been a trend in the making for years. So what's a girl to do when she finds herself caught in a love triangle with her guy and his best friend? If the sidesplitting scene from Superbad hit a little too close to home, you may want to read on.

Be one of the guys

There's nothing worse than a whiney girlfriend on a night out or during a poker game. If you really want to live in peace with your boyfriend's er, boy friend, then try relating to his pals on a guy's level. Don't always talk about your scandalous coworker or the great deal you got on your shoes. Get to know them and show interest in their conversations -- even if it means talking sports and sports cars.

Plan a girl's getaway

If you're up to your ears in testosterone then rally up your own crew for a girls-only vacation and avoid the bromance. Whether you escape to a local resort for pampering and pool-lounging or hop a flight to Vegas for a show and -- well, whatever you all decide to do in Vegas -- being around your girls for a few days will help balance out all the male bonding you've been doing lately. In fact, many destinations and resorts cater specifically to girl's getaways so you're bound to find a great deal, too.

Let the boys be boys

Yes, we know we said it's important to take interest in your man's friends and their bromance bonding experiences but that doesn't mean you have to insert yourself into everything they do. Give them their space. If you're feeling extra nice then whip up some snacks for the guys-night-in before you head out to meet the girls for drinks or set them up with some jaw-dropping seats to the weekend game. You'll not only score major points with the friends but it's also a great way to show your man that you respect his life outside of your relationship.

Just accept it

Stop denying it. Stop trying to change it. Your boyfriend is in love with his best friend. Just deal with it. It'll save you one major headache.

Flaunt your advantages

Let's face it -- there are some things you can do as a girlfriend that even the best boy friend just can't. Do we need to spell it out for you? Remind your guy of these -- ahem -- advantages with a romantic night in. Light some candles, turn up the music, turn off the phones and offer to give him an all-over massage. He'll be all yours at last -- or at least until the Monday night football game.


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