Dating And Love

What He Thinks When He Meets Your...

guy surrounded by girlfriend and friends

Meeting your mom is great, because it’s typically an easy way to score points. Your boyfriend knows that as long as he speaks highly of you, asks her questions, and doesn’t accidentally use her drapes as a hand towel, Mom will probably like [ … ]

Big Dating Myths — And Surprising Truths

dating myths

MYTH: When you're prepping to go out on the prowl, put on a barely there outfit — men like women who show lots and lots of skin.
TRUTH: A new study published in the journal Behaviour found that, to reel in the boys, the ideal amount of flesh you should [ … ]

Learn to Forgive

Forgive and forget, let go and lighten your load. A grudge can be a heavy weight to bear.

Think about what happened.

Step 2

Acknowledge all of your feelings. There is often anger lurking behind any hurt or sadness you might feel.

Step [ … ]

Signs That Your Girlfriend Is Cheating on You

During some point in a relationship you may have suspicions that your girlfriend is cheating on you. These suspicions may be valid, or they may be because of insecurity or low self-esteem. Knowing the signs of a cheating girlfriend can help calm your [ … ]

10 Things every woman should demand from a man

Each woman has her own completely legitimate set of criteria – can’t have back hair, must have health insurance, should have twins running in his family, loves to rollerskate, is George-Clooney charming, prefers wine to beer and so on. But there are [ … ]

The New Marriage Rule: Age Matters

young couple

We doubt you were shocked when Avril Lavigne recently announced she was splitting from her husband of three years. But while it’s tempting to assume the cause was her bratty persona or rocker lifestyle, comments from her friends suggested that something [ … ]

Men to avoid: 7 non-negotiable types of guys

Hippie ManIn an effort to retain our sanity, fellow fabulous single Angie and I have made this pact to go on a much-needed break from boys. Why? Where do I even begin?! Though most dating experiences leave us with some fond memories, and more importantly, endless [ … ]

5 Reasons why you shouldn't worry about men

Worried WomanHello, my name is Brie. And when it comes to men, I'm a bonafide worry wart. I hate me sometimes.

Okay, so that was what I told a girlfriend earlier today. Here's the story - I've been dating this guy for a couple of months and let's just say, he's [ … ]

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tư vấn qua điện thoại (3.000 đồng/phút): 1900 68 50 hoặc (04)1088 - 1 - 7

tư vấn trực tiếp: 2/15, phố Đào Duy Từ, phường Hàng Buồm, quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội

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- tư vấn tâm lý tình cảm, hôn nhân, gia đình

- tư vấn nuôi dạy trẻ

- tư vấn sức khỏe tình dục: xuất tinh sớm, lãnh cảm, nghệ thuật phòng the, bệnh tình dục....

- tư vấn sức khỏe sinh sản, giới tính

- tư vấn trị liệu tâm lý

- Các vấn đề tâm lý khác như ly hôn, stress

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