What's your flirting style?

How do you flirt? | What's your flirting style? | Flirting tips | Flirting techniques

We all flirt - in fact some would say it's a national pastime. But not all flirts are the same - some of us are quite shy while others are very in-your-face. Take our quiz to find out what type of flirt you are.

Answer these 10 questions, making a note of how many of your answers are (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e). Then we'll tell you exactly how you try and attract a man.


Question 1

You're having a night out with your mates, when you spot a gorgeous guy at the bar. How do you catch their eye?

(a) Wolf whistle so loud that the local dogs go bonkers
(b) Look at them until they can't help but look at you. As soon as they do, you look away - and look back a few seconds later, to find them blushing at you
(c) Order a double vodka and coke and down it in one
(d) By appearing at their side and asking why they smell so good
(e) With a smile

Question 2

You get their attention, and they offer you a drink. What do you order?

(a) Champagne, and you pay for it
(b) A bottle of beer, which you hold to your lips a little longer than you really need to
(c) More tequila. Now is not the time for inhibitions
(d) Coke. Meanwhile, you secretly get the barman to deliver an expensive bottle of Chardonnay to your table
(e) Whatever they're having. Next time, it's your call

Question 3

You're at the cinema, seeing a film chosen by your date. You spend the whole time...

(a) Teasingly moving your hand up their inner thigh
(b) Almost touching their arm with yours. Feel that electricity...
(c) Itching to get to the pub
(d) Waiting for them to find the romantic note you left in the popcorn
(e) Remembering snippets to talk about afterwards

Question 4

You arrive at the pub to meet someone you've been seeing for a few weeks. How do you greet them?

(a) With a passionate 30-second kiss
(b) With a slow walk from the door and lots of eye contact
(c) With two glasses of white wine
(d) With a whisper of: 'You look amazing'
(e) With a dazzling smile and a firm smacker

Question 5

You're attracted to someone's ad on a dating site. What's your next move?

(a) Email to say that you can't wait to see their gorgeous form in the flesh
(b) You 'wink' at them and add a close-up photo of your smiling eyes to your profile
(c) Ask them out for a drink
(d) Email to say that you've never felt such a strong connection with someone you've never met
(e) Email to say that you can't resist a fan of Elvis Costello and The Sopranos, and ask about their favourite episode

Question 6

Someone asks you out, but you're not interested. How do you let them down gently?

(a) Treat them to a one-night stand, and never call them again
(b) By giving their arm an affectionate, friendly rub as you say 'no'
(c) After a drink for courage
(d) You say you think they're great but you'd much rather be friends
(e) Say no, and quickly change the subject to kill their embarrassment

Question 7

You're meeting your new lover's parents for the first time. At dinner, you...

(a) Hand your lover a note under the table, saying that you'd like to have sex in the parental bed. And on the parental dressing table
(b) Sit next to Mum, making small-talk... and constantly making eyes at your lover
(c) Are so nervous that you drink all the wine
(d) Are full of compliments about the house, the food, the pets...
(e) Tuck in and ask Mum how she does her roast potatoes

Question 8

How do you handle yourself in an interview?

(a) Make lots of eye contact, laugh loads and give your interviewer a wink as you leave
(b) Nod lots and act confidently
(c) Have a couple of drinks beforehand to calm your nerves
(d) Say you've never wanted to work so much for a company in your life
(e) Do masses of research on the company, so you have lots to say, when you're asked: 'Do you have any questions?'

Now look at your answers and work out which letter you've clicked most.

To find out what they mean, simply click on the link below that corresponds to the letter you chose most.


- Mostly (a)s

Mostly As: Shameless flirt

You might as well hoist a flag saying: 'I'm keen, come and get it!'. There's much to be said for a forward approach. No-one's telepathic. Might as well just make your intentions clear, right? But be careful. Some people are turned off by a very forward style, and prefer to do some chasing. And remember, the line between interest and harrassment is not one you want to cross.

- Mostly (b)s

Mostly Bs: Silent assassin

You flirt with your body, not your words. We're not talking lurid lip-licking - your body language flirting is more subtle, and extremely effective. You know that 'the look-away look' is a killer strategy, and you often use it just for the hell of snaring someone's attention. You should give classes in this stuff.

- Mostly (c)s

Mostly Cs: Boozy flirt

We Brits are notoriously scared of intimacy and rejection, so we're the world champs in alcohol-fuelled flirting. A couple of glasses, and hey presto! Suddenly you're a witty charisma machine. Inside your head, anyway.

In truth, you're probably babbly or boring, not to mention a bit smelly. Take a tip from your textbook counterparts...

- Mostly (d)s

Mostly Ds: Textbook flirt

The chat-up line is alive and well, thanks to you and your fellow textbook flirts. You're not sexually forward, but you make your intentions clear with eye-watering lines like 'you have such beautiful eyes'.

And you know what? Half the time, it works. Everyone's a sucker for a compliment. Just make sure that you know when to shut up and move on.

- Mostly (e)s

Mostly Es: Smart flirt

Some rules of attraction never change - and you know them inside out. For example, people fancy people who are like themselves. Opposites don't attract nearly as often as like-minds attract.

You know that the object of your desire will find you fascinating if you have loads in common. You also know that great flirting is all about them, them, them. Encourage them to talk about themselves, and they'll love your company.


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