What type of partner are you?

Do you ever wonder what type of partner you are? Are you the type to get jealous if he spends more time with his workmates than you, or are you happy for him to go out as much as he likes?

If you want to know what partner type you fit in to (even if you've already got your sneaking suspicions!) then you need to take this quiz! Remember to keep a tally of how many of your answers fit into each category - then just count them up at the end of the test to find out what type of partner you are...


Question 1

You notice that your partner has been going out with his friends a lot more lately when he usually only sees them once every couple of weeks. What do you do?

a) He must be having an affair. You think of ways to spy on him and find out what he's really doing.
b) Maybe you have done something wrong and that's why he is going out so much. It's probably best not to say anything.
c) Why would you worry? It's quite nice having more time to yourself.
d) You don't give it two thoughts. He's probably out arranging something fun for you to both do together anyway.

Question 2

You're all dressed up for a night out with your girlfriends. But when you come downstairs he suggests that you should dress a little sexier.

a) How could he say such a thing? He should be giving you loads of compliments.
b) You feel a bit of a knock to your confidence, but you understand. Everyone has his or her own opinion.
c) You don't think you need to look sexier, but you agree to go shopping together as a couple.
d)You think it's nice that he wants you to look your very best.

Question 3

He introduces you to a work friend named Leigh, who you thought was a man. When you meet him, he is a pretty she! How do you feel?

a) A bit threatened. But you get around this by introducing him to a handsome work colleague of your own.
b) You feel a bit nervous about them working together. You don't say anything though, you'd hate to start an argument and end up fighting for days.
c) What's the problem? Men have female friends all the time.
d) You feel happy that he's in touch with his feminine side enough to have a female friend.

Question 4

Who pays for the food and bills in your house?

a) He pays for everything, and you always make him take you out at least once a week to a nice restaurant
b) He pays for everything because you don't feel comfortable handling finances. You would like to get a bit more involved though.
c) You split it 50/50 with a little more on your side. You're in charge of all bill payments so it makes sense.
d) He pays all the bills because he earns all the money. It's the traditional way.

Question 5

He's been having a really difficult time at work lately, and it all reaches a head on the night of your best friend's birthday. He asks if you can cancel your plans and go out to dinner just the two of you. What do you do?

a) Say no. You don't want him to think that you're a pushover.
b) You cancel your night out but feel a bit upset about it.
c) You take him with you. You fancy a girly chat and will talk to him when you are there.
d) You cancel your friends and cook him dinner. You love the idea of being able to help him

Question 6

You're out with your best friend when you decide to send your partner a silly message but he doesn't reply. How do you react?

a) He's playing hard to get. Two can play that game!
b) You get really paranoid that you've done something to upset him or make him not like you. You end up making excuses and going home to see if you can find out what you've done.
c) You're sure that he just hasn't checked his phone or is busy.
d) You don't worry about it but you do use it as an excuse to day dream about him while your friend is nattering away.

Question 7

It's your anniversary. What do you do?

a) A big fancy dinner at a flashy restaurant he would have booked months ago at my demand!
b) You'd spend the night in and cook him a romantic meal.
c) A fun daytime activity that you both love like going to the cinema or having a picnic.
d) You re-create your first ever date together!

Question 8

One of your kids gets ill at school and needs to be collected straight away. You're out having lunch with your mum and he's at home with the afternoon off work - who goes?

a) He does, it's only fair. You've had this lunch date planned for ages and your mother would kill you if you pulled out last minute.
b) You go. Its his day off after all and you can see your mum soon
c) After a long talk deciding who should go, you volunteer yourself again
d) He goes and doesn't suggest that you should. He's a gentleman.

Question 9

How long did it take for you both to say 'I Love You' and who said it first?

a) He said it first after months of me dropping hints.
b) I did after 2 months. He said it back straight away but he doesn't say it much anymore.
c) We both said it at the same time after about 4 weeks!
4) I said it first after a couple of months, but I knew it when I first met him.

Now you've done the quiz it's time to add up all your A's, B's, C's and D's. Once you've tallied up your score, click on the links below to find out what type of partner you really are.


Mostly A's

The high-maintenance madam

The Rules? You could have written the book! You pick him up on every single mistake he makes and expect him to spend a lot of his money and attention on you.

This might seem like the best way of keeping him interested now, but for the sake of your future as a couple, it might be a good idea to relax a bit. You can't expect him to be with you all the time, and why would you want to? Make sure that you have lots going on in your own life so if he doesn't answer your call, it doesn't bother you that much. If you need to play games to keep him interested then this isn't the right relationship for you.

Mostly B's

The shy pushover

You are patient and caring but sometimes this means you are a bit of a walkover. You're no 1950's housewife but you totally understand that sometimes he's in a mood, and if that means having to grin and bear it then so be it!

It's great that you're so devoted, just make sure that you don't end up as his doormat. Make an effort to spend more time together as a couple, TV off and all! If you think he's been out three times a week with his friends but only once with you, there's no harm in telling him off. Even if it ends in an argument, you'll both get loads off your chest and feel a lot better afterwards.

Mostly C's

The confident type

You're a loyal girlfriend but you also have a lot going on in your life which means you don't spend as much time with you partner as you could. You like spending time with him but you're just as happy to have a glass of wine with your friends (and not check your phone for messages every twenty seconds!).

Make sure you let him in when you need to and don't struggle through big problems on your own. It's great to be strong but there's no shame in asking for a bit of advice or a helping hand once a while.

Mostly D's

The romantic

You loved your partner since the first time you saw him and nothing has changed. You stick by him whatever the situation and as the years pass you feel like things are only getting better.

It's great that you get along so well with your partner, but don't forget that there are other people in your life who care about you and who will always be there for you no matter what, so make sure you give them some time.


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