Top 10: Things To Have In Your House That Women Love

No.10 - Something homemade

Somewhere in your house, display something that you made: either a sculpture, a piece of art or furniture. This will indicate that you have some sort of talent, and if it’s not very flattering, you can always make a joke about it, explaining that this is why you are not a carpenter. Either way, if you have fun with it, she will too

No.9 - An interactive video game

It used to be that a video game system was a major turnoff to women, as she’d imagine losing her man to hours of nerd-fests with other zombie-like males. However, video games have recently become much more interactive and fun for everyone. Today’s women can’t resist Dance Dance Revolution or playing an instrument on Rock Band, and don’t forget all of the fun games on the Nintendo Wii. Play against each other and come up with some funny “win-win” wagers, such as a five-minute massage

No.8 - A cool cooking appliance

Here’s a great idea; have at least one unique cooking appliance in your kitchen. I’m talking about things like a panini press, an espresso machine or an ice-cream maker. Having one of these will give her the hint that there is more to you than meets the eye, and that you can do more in the kitchen than make toast. Learn a few recipes (it’s a lot simpler than it sounds), then invite her over in the future to cook dinner together.

No.7 - Balance board

A balance board is a skateboard-like object that sits on top of a roller -- the object is to get onto it and keep your balance. It’s incredibly fun. Skaters and surfers use this for practice because it mimics the motion. People who get really good can do all sorts of impressive tricks. She’ll see it and want to try it because it sounds challenging, yet fun. When she gets on it, she’ll grab onto your hands for balance -- nice.

No.6 - Interesting or funny coffee table books

Take a trip to a funky neighborhood and grab some interesting books to put on your coffee table. Books on dating are always good as they are sure to make for some interesting conversation. Stay away from picture books, unless they are pictures of you and your friends, which you can have made on one of the popular photo publishing websites.

No.5 - Bottles of wine

Buy a wine rack and stock it with several bottles of wine. They don’t have to be expensive; you can get decent wines for under $20. Consider joining a “Wine of the Month” club, as they’ll send you two bottles of great wine every month, usually for around $20 total. I don’t need to tell you that it’s much classier to offer her a glass of wine than a beer. As a bonus, get a cool bottle opener. Look into the CO2 opener, which you can buy at wine stores. You push the needle through the cork, push the button on top and the cork pops out like magic. That’s a gadget she’ll actually be impressed with.

No.4 - A collage of pictures

On a prominent wall, put up a collage of pictures. The collage as a whole should tell a story. For example, put up pictures of places you’ve been around the world, such as you standing in front of the Roman Coliseum or you hiking the Grand Canyon. She’ll be sure to ask lots of questions about the places you’ve been and maybe she will have even been to one of the places herself. Also, somewhere in your house, be sure to put up pictures of your family and pictures of you when you were younger. Women always love to see this stuff, and it always paves the way for interesting conversation.

No.3 - A pet

This one is almost common sense because everyone knows that women love animals. If you’re not a dog or cat person, consider getting a fish tank. Having any kind of a pet -- even fish -- subtly signals to her that you are responsible and a good provider, which are two things women are instinctively programmed to look for in a man. Plus, feeding the fish together can be lots of fun

No.2 - A musical instrument

If you have musical talents you are in great shape when it comes to having a woman over at your place. Keep your instrument of choice in plain view to spark her attention. If you aren’t musically talented, try something like bongos or get your hands on a cowbell. If she’s seen the popular SNL skit she’ll die laughing -- and if she hasn’t, you will win points for being the first person to show it to her


No.1 - A Zen garden

For some reason, women love these little decorations of rocks and sand. You can get them at those international market-type stores or online. A Zen garden is a box that sits on you coffee table, filled with sand, some polished stones and a comb-like rake. You use the rake to comb lines into the sand, around the stones or other objects. I realize this sounds ridiculous, but wait till you try it -- and wait till you have a woman over to your house and she sees it.


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