Relationship - How to Fulfill Your Husband's Emotional Needs

When a couple marries they begin a life long journey holding tightly to each other's heart and hand. They embark on a promising, and relatively unknown, adventure towards a future together. That future is bound to include some truly life changing moments both good and bad. How a couple deals with these events is really the barometer that measures their devotion and commitment to one another. Many couples move through their marriage towards a path of clearer and stronger understanding. Others stumble along the way and lose touch with one another. When that happens, one or both partners can start to feel as though their emotional needs are being pushed aside. If that isn't addressed and instead is continually ignored, it can lead to such bitter resentment that the marriage has little chance of being saved. If you're a woman and you haven't been as attentive to your husband's emotional needs as you should be, don't allow it to continue another day. He needs things from you, just as you need things from him. Start showing him just how important he is to you by fulfilling his emotional needs so he doesn't have to look to someone else for that.

There are several things you must bear in mind when you are thinking about how to fulfill your husband's emotional needs. These things include the following:

Pump up his ego. A man's emotional well being is directly connected to his sense of self. A man needs to feel that his wife needs him. Women have been taught, from a very early age, that it's important to be self sufficient and independent. It is but it's also important to lean on your husband for help. He wants and needs you to. Look to your man to offer assistance in all areas of your life. Ask his opinion if you have a difficult situation to deal with at work. If there's something that needs fixing around the house, turan to him first before calling the plumber or electrician. Even if your husband isn't fully equipped to handle the problem, he wants to know that you view him as your own personal super hero who can save the day. Men need to feel that their wives see them as someone who is capable and responsible.

Stay true to him. Just as you expect your husband to honor his wedding vows, he needs the same reassurance from you. Don't make the mistake of comparing your husband to any other man, including the spouses of your friends. He doesn't want to pale in comparison to another man in your eyes, ever. You are his wife and his life partner and that's a role you must take seriously. One of a man's most pressing emotional needs is to feel safe and secure in his relationship. Make certain that your husband never has to doubt whether or not you love him and only him.

Invest yourself emotionally in his life. Your husband has many things to balance in his life and at times he's going to feel stress and uncertainty. We all need a safe place to turn to when life feels unbearable and for your husband that place is your arms and heart. Listen to him when he talks with you about his problems as well as his dreams and aspirations. Do whatever you can to always be there to help him or to offer guidance. Spend time doing the things he loves doing whether that's going to a football game or just working in the garden. If you do this you'll be showing him that you aren't just a wonderfully, caring and compassionate wife but you're a devoted and supportive friend to him as well.

Staying open and receptive to your husband will definitely help him to feel more emotionally connected to you because you will be the one person fulfilling his deepest emotional needs. Spend time talking with your husband and learning about what he's feeling and the things that are taking place in his life. By staying close and connected in this way, your marriage will be the greatest beneficiary as you two build a bond that will withstand all of life's storms and hardships.

Specific things you do and say can compel your husband to appreciate and love you more. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause him to feel even more distant from you.

You can make your husband fall even deeper in love with you than when you two first married.

Article Source:

Source: Ezine


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