Unfortunately divorce rates have gone up in the US. Every where you turn people are getting divorced. I am going to give you a few tips on how to keep the candle lit in your marriage and also how to put the spark back in.
Step 1
The first step in a successful marriage is communication. Always keep the doors of communication open. Tell each other what is wrong or right in your life. If you don't communicate that either partner doesn't know how you are feeling and can't come up with a solution. If the lines of communication is not open whether it be about money, the bedroom or etc the marriage will not survive.
Step 2
The second step in a successful marriage is to be faithful. If this wasn't so important it would be number seven of the Ten Commandments (in which we base our life and morals).You know the commandment that states Do not commit adultery. Always be faithful with your partner and do not stray.
Step 3
The third step in a successful marriage is love. Each day when you wake up and before you go to bed at night tell your partner how much you love them. Instead of thinking of all the negative things about your partner think of all the positive things you love about them. Think of new ways to show how much you love them whether it be in the bedroom, or simple things like drawing their bath water, leaving little notes around the house, making their favorite dinner or deserts. The littlest things in life can show someone how much you appreciate and love them and can make the marriage bond stronger.