5 Simple Moves To Boost Her Desire

As the modern female continues to push sexual boundaries, she has become more and more receptive to all manner of kink. But you probably already knew that. What you may not realize, however, is how valuable the little things still are. Yes, that 300-horsepower vibrator you gave her for Christmas certainly spices up the nightly romps. Equally exciting are those fuzzy handcuffs you surprise her with every now and then. Today, however, we’re going to discuss the timeless moves that are sometimes lost in the heat of the moment -- those that require little more than your own two hands.

1- Place her arms behind her head

This is an absolutely fantastic (and very hot) move. Typical results include a very horny woman writhing beneath you, begging for more.

Every woman, no matter how dominant, enjoys it when her man takes charge. This move makes the most of that fact and serves as an excellent bridge between foreplay and sex. As you slide over her body, take one of her wrists in your hand, slowly raise it over her head, and push it back toward the pillow. If she doesn’t have strong objections, repeat the process with her other arm. Your grasp should remain at her wrists and your grip should be firm, but not painful.

If your regular bedroom style is more Romeo than raunchy, you may want to ease into this move. While you want to show Juliette a sexier side, you don’t want to turn this into a Jekyll and Hyde episode. Additionally, there’s always the chance this will unnerve her more than it turns her on. If she’s been abused in the past, this may not be enjoyable for her, though that certainly isn’t a given. Pay close attention and you’ll be able to gauge her comfort level and adjust your efforts (or discontinue them) accordingly. The best way to determine this is to simply ask if she likes it -- in your sexiest voice, of course.

Best position for this move: Placing her arms behind her head during the missionary, or some variation, will put the icing on an otherwise boring cake. It’s possible to manage it from behind, but isn’t advised, lest the two of you feel like you’re playing a game of Twister.

2- Slip your hands into her hair

An under-utilized secret weapon, this one turns even the coldest of fish to mush in a relatively short time. No matter the length of her locks, having a man’s hands in her hair can definitely result in wet knickers. Always start at the nape of the neck, as this area tends to be extremely sensitive. Gently trace the hairline and work your way upward into her hair; apply gentle pressure to the scalp as you delve into her tresses.

It certainly will help, but you don’t need to kiss her while doing this. And if you really want to spice it up, give her locks a gentle (but firm) tug. This heightens the senses and will keep her primed for your next move. You don’t want to scalp her, but you do want her turned on and ready for action -- not so relaxed that she starts yawning and fantasizing about bed. If you do give her hair a firm tug, be sure to grasp a handful, and do so from the root -- anything else could result in something unexpectedly painful for her.

Best position for this move: The beauty of this little number is its diversity. If you’re already in bed, this can be used continuously and at any time. Just chilling on the sofa? Slide a little closer and see how quickly this turns her on. Kissing her goodnight on the doorstep? Try this baby out and you just might be invited up for a nightcap.


3- Be vocal in response to her efforts

If you want her to let her hair down, this move can do wonders. Why? Because, for a woman, there’s something very sexy about hearing a man groan with lust. The next time she’s performing oral sex on you, let her hear what you’re feeling. It’ll boost her ego and give her the confidence to really let herself go. You don’t need to go porn star on her, but a well-timed growl, sigh or moan will be appreciated. If that feels unnatural for you, the sound of your heavy breathing can do wonderful things, as well. Just let her know you love what she’s doing. Be audible, but don’t get too carried away. If you start screaming and gnashing your teeth, you’ll scare her more than anything else.

Best position for this move: Obviously, you can receive oral sex in a variety of positions. The best position for this scenario is one in which you can easily caress her face or hair. Touching her as she goes down on you will make her feel more secure, bolstering her confidence even further. Just don’t hold the back of her head unless you know she likes it.

4- Sweet talk her

A well-chosen phrase spoken at the right time makes a woman feel like you want her, and not just her body. This is crucial for sex, as women want (and need) to feel a deeper connection. Because the average man doesn’t say much during sex, your efforts to do so will give you an automatic edge. You might think that you need to recite Shakespeare or use a Barry White voice, but all you need is a whisper -- really. What should you say? That’s the easy part. Women will never, ever tire of hearing romantic phrases, as long as they sound genuine.

“You’re beautiful”; “I love your breasts”; “I love your body”; “Your skin is so soft”; and “I love you” are all simple, sweet little nothings designed to make her feel more in tune with you. Feel free to create your own variations, but keep them simple -- waxing too poetic is cheesy and can be a turnoff. If you start talking about the stars in her eyes, she’s likely to think you have ulterior motives. Also, try not to exaggerate too much. Tell her she’s beautiful. Tell her she’s gorgeous. But don’t tell her she’s hotter than Heidi Klum unless she really is -- you don’t want her to feel patronized.

Best position for this move:
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere. There isn’t a bad time to compliment your woman. There just isn’t.

5- Pay attention to her entire body

Few things are sexier than knowing someone can’t keep their hands off of you. If a man lavishes attention on every part of a woman’s body, it results in her feeling needed, loved and worshipped. Make a woman feel like this, and you’re pretty much guaranteed anything you want in return. The single most important factor here is pace, so take your time to explore, caress and tease. Use your fingers, lips or the palms of your hands to trace the outline of her body, caress her face or gently massage her thighs as you wrap them around your waist. You can also run your fingertips over her lips, kiss her lightly on the cheek or slide your hands around her waist and squeeze gently.

These little things will help a woman to feel close to you during sex and improve it exponentially. In general, a woman wants to know you’re aware of her, and not just her assets. She also wants to know you’re not in a hurry, and this is one of the best ways to prove it. A slow and steady pace is the key to your success, as hurried movements can make her feel like a toy. Keep your touch soft and smooth and she’ll be purring in no time.

Best position for this move: Again, there isn’t a wrong time to utilize this one. Indeed, you can, and should, make use of it as often as possible. And, if you’re a man who has never done this in the past, it will be appreciated from the first try.



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