And on the seventh day ... man and woman had a barney after he popped down the pub for a quick pint then watched the first half of the big game.
Yes, according to top relationship author Regina Barreca Sundays can be bad for your love life.
Regina says guys never feel more married than they do on the Sabbath.
During weekdays, there is a job to keep them occupied and on Saturday mornings they can usually clean the car, potter in the garden, do maintenance and repair things around the house -- things they don't dislike doing.
And then, in the afternoon, it is a time when it is okay for them to play or watch sports.
But on a Sunday, many men feel trapped because their wives -- many of whom, like them, have worked all week -- see it as a day for men to share responsibilities for housework, go shopping with them or look after the kids.
This difference of expectations between couples can make Sunday the day when marriages can be made or broken.
Marriage counsellors know it professionally as the "Sunday Syndrome", because records clearly show the Sabbath is a dangerous day for outbursts by husbands and partners who are normally peaceful and composed.
American author Regina, who wrote the bestseller "Perfect Husbands And Other Fairy Tales," believes it is all to do with the age-old male feeling of wanting to be on his own.
She says: "And that feeling is never more stronger than on a Sunday.
"But women, who are bringing up children at home or working and looking after the children too, want to see Sunday as a family day when they do things together and the father can take on child care responsibility, or at least, share it."
It is also the day when many wives develop a 'Sunday headache,' a ploy to make sure they get their man's undivided attention after pining for him all week.
Something else that often sparks the "Sunday Syndrome" is the 'quick lunch-time pint' by the man, which turns into the long cold wait for lunch by the rest of the family. As one husband put it to author Regina: "I never feel more married than I do on aSunday, and I never know how to get out of it -- even if I want to. It leaves me gasping and searching for escape routes. I always see it as the day of reckoning."
A Relate spokesman said: "Some men haven't matured enough, or don't enjoy fatherhood and they look back at bachelor days and think of the freedom they had. Women feel responsible for family life functioning properly and find it harder to take time forthemselves.
"Men find it easier to cut off and hide behind the newspaper or in front of the television.
"A good many men see Sunday as a continuation of Saturday, a day on which they can extend their sport and leisure activities.
"Sunday is the day when couples are together all day long, and if there is trouble brewing, it is going to come to the boil then." A survey by Parenting magazine revealed that half of mothers confess to feeling angry with their husbands .
One mom said: "My husband thought it was perfectly okay for him to sleep on Sunday because 'he went to work all week' and that it was fine for him to go out with his friends every Sunday.
"This was with a baby who didn't sleep through the night until he was 13 months old."