Years ago at school, getting a C on a paper or test was a terrible thing. Then at university a C was okay, as it meant a pass with credit. But some Cs are definitely good things in a marriage. Here are some of them.
Marriage is about caring for the other person. A couple usually get married because they care so much about each other that they want to spend their lives together. But caring alone is not enough to build a lifetime marriage on. You'll need some other Cs.
Each of us needs to be able to communicate effectively with our spouse. We need to be able to share the happy and sad times. We need to be able to express how we are feeling and listen to them when they tell us. We simply need to talk about all sorts of things.
Consideration is an important aspect of marriage- considering the needs and desires of another person other than your self and putting their needs first. If each partner in a marriage does this, then no-one loses out because you each have your spouse's best interests at heart.
Marriage is a partnership - a team effort. We need to co-operate with and help each other, in jobs around the house, as well as in making a home and parenting, and in other aspects of our lives
Companionship is one of the joys of marriage. It's great to be married to someone you can talk to, who understands you and who you share common interests with.
Confidentiality means keeping your private life private and not sharing intimate details with friends. It means respecting your spouse and your marriage enough to not be telling all to friends or to be criticizing your spouse to others.
Last, but certainly not least, is commitment. Marriage needs each person committed to it and not looking back at life before marriage or looking around at who is still out there. It needs the commitment of 'for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death us do part.'
The above Cs are the glue that holds a marriage together. Join me tomorrow for the Cs you don't want to find in a marriage.