Guys translated: Girls weigh in on how boys decipher their beauty

We're girls, we overanalyze. That's what we do. So whenever boys – dates, boyfriends, husbands, friends, even relatives – give us the inevitable beauty compliment, we can't help but try to figure out where that word lies on the beauty scale. And yes, there are varying levels of beauty depending on how it's described. So boys, if you're reading, take note:
Looking in Mirror


This word is as sinister as they come. In fact, whenever Jenny hears the word to describe her, she gets offended. "It's a back-handed compliment. It's totally condescending," she says. "It's like I'm a step below 'pretty' and can never be thought of as anything but because I'm just adorable." Since this word is usually used to describe babies, puppies and pairs of shoes, girls tend to not prefer it. It's as if a girl was compared to Dakota Fanning.


"I personally like hearing that I'm pretty," says Laura. "It attractive, yet effortless." Other girls we asked have agreed with Laura idea of the word. It's the type of word who would describe a star like Jennifer Garner who is borderline plain but pulls it off in a way that women still envy her despite not being the caliber of a Megan Fox.


Now Megan Fox -- she's sexy. Although most girls would love to be considered sexy, Marie says she's not a fan. "It's almost like I am only attractive because of my body and the types of clothes that I wear. Sure, I dress sexy, but I would like for men to notice that I'm more than that," she explains. "I want someone to, for once, look at my face (among other things) and say I'm beautiful."


Like most women, Marie would never turn away the "beautiful" compliment. "This type of flattery gets you everywhere," she says. "Being beautiful, to me, means being born that way, and it's almost like it's extraordinary." Marie believes that a lot of girls are considered "pretty," but "beautiful," that's almost one of a kind. What a lot of girls likes even more about the word is that it can describe someone's exterior, as well as interior. To girls, who are far more sensitive than boys, hearing the word feels fantastic.


Add beautiful to sexy and you have yourself hot. The only snag is, "hot" girls have also been considered "damaged girls with daddy issues." (Didn't you see that episode of Samantha Who? -- the girls on the show said just that. "Hot" ladies are the Playboy bunnies of our time. When asked if she's been called "hot," Annie said yes and she doesn't mind. "I am damaged and have daddy issues, so it's okay," she chuckles. "A part of me thinks that when I was growing up I never got my father's attention so I'm making up for lost time now." Annie admits she tries hard to look the part, so she doesn't mind when the "hot" compliment comes her way.


The mother of all compliments is the word "gorgeous." We asked countless women and all of them said that's the best way a man can describe their beauty. "It's effortless, extraordinary and perfection," says Becky. "I seldom hear the compliment, but the few times I have heard it, it was when I was crazy in love -- and the feeling was mutual, of course." Becky says it's the best feeling because it makes her feel like she's the most beautiful woman on earth.


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