Marriage And Relationship

Break Up With Her Gently

You’ve recognized the signs, abandoned hope of resuscitation, and come to a decision: It’s time to end your relationship. But before devastating your girlfriend’s heart with a direct hit from the breakup bomb, consider the alternative. With adequate [ … ]

10 Tips to finding happiness

Happy CoupleIf one of your New Year’s resolutions include finding happiness, we’ve got 10 happiness-boosting tips for you.

Feng Shui your bedroom

Feng Shui BedroomThe Chinese believe that using Feng Shui can improve one's life by balancing the energy in a physical space. So a good Feng Shui bedroom is one that invites a harmonious stream of sensual energy and will make you wake up feeling good!

Below are ten [ … ]

How to repel men

Man and Woman at BarI've been single for a week now. I tested the single waters -- went to a total pick-up bar with friends -- to see what the pool has to offer. Sadly, I came up empty. What I realized along the way, however, is that a lot of men (albeit not "awesome" men) [ … ]

Music to play when your relationship ends

Woman Listening to MusicEveryone has one or two cute but insignificant stories that they save for times when a conversation lulls at a dinner party or they are trying to break the ice with people they just met. One of my cocktail hour anecdotes involves my former upstairs neighbor [ … ]

Breakup healing strategies - Tips to get you through

Sad Woman on Bed

Many of us know this episode all too well. For some, sitting through that Jennifer Aniston/Vince Vaughan flick, albeit a comedy, was more painful to watch than animal torture. Even still, I went to the theater to see that movie with an ex a couple [ … ]

How to end a bad relationship

If your love life is dragging you down, it may be time to kiss your current relationship goodbye. It’s time to take stock of the good, the bad and the ugly truth and make the necessary changes to improve your romantic future. Berlow we share advice on [ … ]

Unhealthy relationship characteristics

Couple FightingHaving a significant other is a wonderful feeling and provides many physical and emotional benefits. However, remaining in an unhealthy relationship is actually damaging to one's health and spirit. Below are four common characteristics of unhealthy relationships [ … ]

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tư vấn qua điện thoại (3.000 đồng/phút): 1900 68 50 hoặc (04)1088 - 1 - 7

tư vấn trực tiếp: 2/15, phố Đào Duy Từ, phường Hàng Buồm, quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội

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- tư vấn tâm lý tình cảm, hôn nhân, gia đình

- tư vấn nuôi dạy trẻ

- tư vấn sức khỏe tình dục: xuất tinh sớm, lãnh cảm, nghệ thuật phòng the, bệnh tình dục....

- tư vấn sức khỏe sinh sản, giới tính

- tư vấn trị liệu tâm lý

- Các vấn đề tâm lý khác như ly hôn, stress

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