Marriage And Relationship

How to tell if he's lying

Liar?He's been kind of shady, you say? You're not with him 24/7 and you just don't know what else is going on in his world. We don't blame you. It's natural to have doubts sometimes. So is he lying or is he telling the truth?

Spot Relationship Road Bumps

Sure, you know he'll freak over the biggies — meeting your parents, moving in — but read on to discover the relationship road bumps you won't see coming.
By Jane Katz

Bliss Barrier 1: The Third-Date Hesitate

You clicked so well the first night you [ … ]

5 Relationship Rules You Should Break

Never stopped to question the dating code of conduct everyone you know follows? Well, it's time to start. Right here, right now.
By Beth Whiffen Photo: Tamara Schlesinger It's anyone's guess where they originally came from, but there are some [ … ]

How to Stay Hot for Each Other

Once you and your guy hit the bona fide couple stage, things may cool down a bit. But are you going to let the passion fade without a fight? Hell, no! These tips will reignite your relationship.
By Jennifer Benjamin Photo: Wadley It's not exactly [ … ]

Who is your ideal man?

You have enough friends. And enough hobbies. Quite frankly, you are now just looking for someone to fund them. You know you can be good arm candy when necessary, and – screw it – you actually quite enjoy it. You like the finer things in life and see [ … ]

How to Comfort a Grieving Person

Step1 Allow the person to talk about his grief and express his feelings. Listen without offering advice or interrupting. Step2 Be patient with the grieving person's changeable moods. It's normal for someone who is grieving to alternate between [ … ]

Find Out if He's for Real

Don't waste your time dating a dude who may turn out to be a dud. Instead, administer these minitests to your man to ferret out his true colors.

If women could effortlessly clue in to men's myriad character deficits, we guys would never succeed at [ … ]

How to Reach Soul-Mate Status with Any Man

Experts say that to truly connect with a guy, you need to suss out his personality type. Read on for ways to spot, snag, and sync up with the four most common kinds of dudes. cosmopolitan912: [ … ]

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tư vấn trực tiếp: 2/15, phố Đào Duy Từ, phường Hàng Buồm, quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội

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