Dating And Love

Is Meeting People Tougher Than Math?

The abundance of single, attractive, and available people in my life gets smaller and smaller as I get older.

8 New Love Truths You Must Know

These current relationship realities will help you reach harmony with your man.

Navigating a relationship can sometimes feel like driving to an unknown destination without a GPS: perplexing, frustrating, and even scary. And while you don’t want to [ … ]

5 Things You Should Never Tell a Guy

In the realm of male-female communication, there are certain topics most of us recognize as single-sex only. We'll spare you the details about the comeback the Jets made, and you spare us the details about Ethan, the ex who was so well-hung his penis [ … ]

6 Signals His Face Is Sending You

Cosmo uncovers the secret body-language clues that reveal your dude's deepest desires -- almost instantly.

Mention the words sharing and feelings in the same sentence and most guys -- yes, even if they're super comfortable with you -- will run to [ … ]

Guys Uncensored: Things Never to Utter Around Him

Some subjects of conversation will make a dude's eyes glaze over in boredom, put him on the defensive...or even leave him questioning your sanity. cosmopolitan912: [ … ]

4 Ways to Sweep Him Off His Feet

These nonmushy moves will steal a guy's heart every time.
Ladies, let me break it down for you. If you want to turn your man to jelly, save the sappy stuff and keep the passion plays simple. Our definition of romance is totally different from yours. [ … ]

5 Pointers on Flirting While Using Public Transportation

Last night, I met a stranger. Sort of. He was sitting across from me on the subway, reading a novel I've heard a lot of good things about. But he was too far away ... and he seemed so engrossed in his book ... and as station after station p...

55 Things You Can Learn About a Guy in 10 Minutes

If you're curious about the new dude in your life but know better than to grill him with 20 questions, you're gonna love our sneaky read-him tips.
By Stephanie Booth You don't have to date a guy for six months to get the lowdown on who he really is. [ … ]

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